>> Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thimerosal: Autism and Mercury

Poisoning Side Effects?

Chelation therapy is the administration of chelating agents to remove heavy metal toxins from the body. Some of the most common unwanted heavy metals are lead, mercury, nickel, copper, and cadmium. Though nobody knows for certain what causes autism, many speculate it is caused, in some cases, from heavy toxins from vaccines.There are actually two theories that link vaccines to autism.

The first theory suggests that the mercury-based preservative in some vaccines could be connected to autism and the second theory suggests that the MMR vaccine causes intestinal problems that lead to the disorder.It is a complicated chemical process that takes place in the removal of heavy metals but to put is simply, the heavy metals bind to the chelating agent that is usually given by injection and are eliminated from the body.

The Link Between Mercury and Autism

Chelation therapy was developed by the United States Navy in the 1940s to remove heavy metal toxins, such as lead from the bodies of military personnel. Since then, it has been used to treat lead poison and it is now being used to treat the symptoms of autism.Chelation therapy is a controversial treatment for autism. Chelation does remove heavy metals from the body including the beneficial ones, such as zinc.

Also, there is nothing to stop the agent from bonding to healthy cells.Other risks include liver and kidney damage, which can be fatal. There is no scientific proof that chelation cures autism but many parents have seen significant improvements. Because there are different theories about what causes autism, and no one really knows for sure, simply removing heavy metal toxins from the system cannot solve all of your problems.

A Look at Autism and Ultrasounds

When you keep in mind the risk involved and the fact that chelation therapy may or may not help, it is certainly not for everyone.Talk with your doctor about the forty different treatments available to you, weigh your risks and then decide what direction to go in. There are many symptoms of autism and you may or may not see improvements in only some of the areas. Just a few of the symptoms of autism are problems with communication and social interaction and certain repetitive behaviors.

Many experts say that though autism is on the rise, we are on the brink of a cure. No one can say when that will be but in order to find the cure, we need to find the cause. America spends millions on researching to find a cure. Finding the cure for autism will save America over 35 million dollars a year not to mention, give many parents their children back.
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Vaccinations a Factor in Causing Autism

>> Thursday, April 15, 2010

Autism is no longer considered to be a mental disease but rather one of physiological origin. This may explain why attempts to treat the condition as a mental disease have failed and why those who have been cured by natural physical treatment methods have returned to normal function, to display emotional responses and to demonstrate good mental abilities and achievements in education. These characteristics tend to be absent in a case of an autistic child.

Because of increasing prevalence of autism in the community and increasing litigation (an estimated 2 billion dollars in the US) associated with claims against pharmaceutical companies, there is greater focus upon the need for identifying all the causes of this condition.

Now that the US Federal Court has established the link between MMR vaccines and autism we are beginning to take seriously the allegations that pharmaceutical vaccinations have caused a host of 'side effects' in our children, some of which are serious enough to, in effect, be treated as new diseases.

In regard to the negative aspects of vaccination there are 93,000 entries on the internet regarding this subject. Not only is it being considered that it causes autism but also many other serious conditions such as cot deaths and other unexplained fatalities. Further research on information provided on the internet should be considered as 'homework' by parents before subjecting children to the bullying tactics that have persuaded vaccination to be obligatory rather than a matter of free choice of parents.

In these matters we should be as cautious as we are in consideration of the quality of foods and nutrition when determining what we wish introduced into the bodies of our children. It is only possible to make such decisions after we have seriously considered the question and arrived at our own conclusions rather than following any trend or social pressure.

Our trust is required to be placed appropriately in the service professions. However in the case of nutrition, it has been adequately demonstrated that commercial interests, not health, are behind the food industries. We are reminded to follow our own intelligence when assessing the value of food and the benefits and dangers to our children.

In the case of vaccination and entry into the body of substances other than natural foods -

Do we know, for instance, what vaccinations are comprised of and where the materials and substances have originated?

Do we know the number of test cases used as 'guinea pigs' before release of a vaccination to the public?

Are we given statistics that will help us decide on serious health issues as to the dangers or side effects as opposed to the promised benefits?

There are many questions we should be asking.

If we are convinced of the need to maintain our responsibility in selecting methods that will offer our children good health for their lifetime and avoid a risk of them becoming damaged to become an unfortunate medical statistic we must be vigilant and gather our information and facts from unbiased sources before we can make our own decision on these vital issues.

The healthy foundation for a happy future for our children is largely up to us.

Sally Wilson supports a philosophy that looks to Nature as the ultimate Intelligence that directs us towards a lifestyle promising happiness as we learn to live according to natural laws to experience a natural, vital state of health.Our interests and studies of all natural sciences offer particular benefit to women who guide them in selection of the courses of action in personal care and self discipline as well as in caring for the welfare of families. Many of Sally Wilson's articles are written to inform and encourage women and parents in their role of protecting the health of the family.
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About This Blog

To understand autism one has to look at the treatments, symptoms as well as causes involved. These causes may not have all been proven and leave room for speculation, but by possessing the knowledge you are able to make a decision best suited to your needs. One thing you can be certain of: the surety on whether or not vaccines cause autism and that answer is no.

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